《北安市志》(1983-2005)凡例 Guide

指导思想 以马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的观点、方法,以丰富翔实的资料,实事求是地记述本市自然和社会的历史与现状,力求思想性、资料性和科学性的统一。 断 限 上限原则上起于1983年,对个别事物的记述尽量追本溯源,志其发端。下限到2005年,对有些连续性强需述明原委的大事、要事则越限延伸至搁笔为止。 记述范围 记述范围为北安行政区域内的一切事物和单位,以今行政区划内的人和事为主,对于历史上曾属本区的人和事略记重点。 内 容 本志是中篇结构,共计18篇93章428节,既全面记述、贯通始末,又详今略古、立足当代,以北安市撤县建市后实行经济体制改革的成果为主,对改革中出现的新生事物予以歌颂,对正在探索中的问题,则持慎重态度加以记载。 体 裁 采用述、记、志、传、图、表、录等形式,以志为主。首设概述,统摄全志;次列大事记,纵贯古今;中设专志,为志书主体;末辍附录。在各篇冠以无题概述或小序,以综合归纳,提要钩玄,或反映规律,彰明因果。 章 法 各类专志均以类系事,横排竖写,叙而不论。必要的议论,则力求简明、自然,与史实的记述融为一体。文体,一律采用语体文,力求严谨、简洁、规范。本志使用的文字、标点、数字、纪年、称谓、计量、注释等,均按国家有关标准和黑龙江省地方志行文通则规定执行。 人 物 依志书通则,不为生人立传,对贡献大、影响面广的革命烈士和已作古的英雄模范、知名人士等立传,以本籍人为主。对在各项事业中成绩卓著、或有某种建树以及有代表性的人物,采用人物简介或“以事系人”的方法,于有关章节予以辑录。 数 据 本志统计数字以地区统计局发布的为准,统计局缺失的,则采用相关部门提供的数据。 资 料 本志著述的资料,主要来源于各部门提供的资料和各级档案、文献资料、历代旧志、史书、报刊、专著、专业志、社会调查以及知情者、当事人的回忆材料。编纂中设索引以备查,成书不注出处。
General Principles:A realistic account of the city’s natural and social history and present situation is given with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of “Three Representatives”, and the scientific outlook on development as guidance, with dialectical materialism and historical materialism viewpoints and methods,and rich and detailed information to strive to achieve the unity of ideological content, data and scientific unity. Time Span:The principle of upper limit starts from 1983, and the account of individual events is traced to its origin. The lower limit ends in 2005, the consecutive great and major events are required to provide the whole story shall be recorded by breaking its limits to the recording time. Description Scope:The description scope covers all events and units within Bei’an administrative division, with the focus on the events and people within the administrative divisions. Key points are recorded for people and events belonging to this area in the history. Content:Structure of the annals is a medium-length, with a total of 428 sections of 93 chapters of 18 articles, which provides both a comprehensive account ,through the whole story and details about the present and summaries about the ancient times, with the main focus on Bei’an economic reform results after cancelling the Bei’an County to establish the Bei’an city. The novelty appearing during the reform is to be glorified, being cautious about records of problems under exploration. Genre:Adopt forms like the narration, record, annal, biography, picture, table, transcription, etc., with focus on annals. The summary is listed at the beginning, which governing the whole annals, followed by great events of ancient and modern times. The special annals are listed in the middle, which is the main body of the annals. The appendixes are attached at the end of the annals. In each chapter, there is an overview without title or a short preface, making a comprehensive induction, a summary and a subtlety exploration, or reflecting the regular pattern and manifesting cause and effect. Art of Composition:All kinds of special annals present the events according to the categories, in the form of horizontal typeset and vertical writing, with only narration but no discussions. The necessary comments are also concise and natural, which integrates with historical account of integration. The style is of interation all the text by the body language, and strive to strict simple and standard. The words, punctuation, numbers, Calendar, title, measurement, annotation, etc. used in the annals, shall be in accord with General Provisions of Writing Style of national standards and local annals of Heilongjiang Province. People:According to the General Provisions of the Annals, the biographies of the living people shall not be included in the annals, only recording the bibliographies of revolutionary martyrs, heroes who have passed away and celebrities with great contribution and a wide range of influence. The key focus puts on the native people. People who either have outstanding achievements in the various causes, or have some achievements, are the representative figures, are recorded in the relevant chapters in the form of profile or description of an event related to the person. Data:The statistics in the annals shall be subject to regional Bureau of Statistics. The missing data in the Bureau of Statistics shall be replaced by that provided by relevant departments. Information:The information in the annals mainly comes from who provided by various departments, levels of files, literature, old annals in history, historical records, newspapers and journals, monographs, professional annals, social surveys, and recalled by insiders and involved parties. The index lists in the compilation for the future reference, but the book will not note the source.